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The colorful world of Pinterest?

Dive into the vibrant world of Pinterest with Web SEO SA

In an ever-changing world of online marketing and social media in particular I have found that the average user tends to skip over a post or a link that doesn’t contain pictures. Then came Pinterest, the Hero of the 21st century user with a predominant right-side brain. I’m that kind of user, I like to look at pictures and I can very easily associate a picture to a place, time, memory and even a business.

There are many different ways that Pinterest can work for you and your Business. Firstly as I previously mentioned people look at pictures much more easily than reading a sentence or clicking a link. Secondly, today’s average user doesn’t have much time to view pages and explore and frankly they are lazy, it takes more effort to click on a link to view the image than just have it open to them. Thirdly, when people look at pictures they associate it with a memory, an event or even a service provider or business, be it on your profile or a pictures you have pinned. It also doesn’t have to be a picture of your business, it can be a comical image that relates to what you offer or a beautiful landscape of where your business is based e.g. if your business is situated in Cape Town, pin a photo of Table Mountain.

Tips on using Pinterest as a business:

  1. Always stay true to your business model and what you do and offer e.g. if you sell radiators but you pin pictures of puppies.
  2. Let’s use the above example: If you sell radiators, like a couple of boards relating to pictures of radiators.
  3. Pin or post tips on radiator maintenance.
  4. Load pictures on your own boards of the products you sell.
  5. Follow boards and pin pictures of where your business is based.

The possibilities are endless and Pinterest offers you all that, from those avid users to the ones that only have a couple of minutes during lunch for a pin or two. You will always have users coming back for more if you keep it interesting and up to date. Let’s make Pinterest as big in South Africa as it is in the rest of the world and introduce users to your business through a sensory experience they will never forget.

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