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What is an Infographic?

Simply put, an infographic is nothing but a visual presentation of information, data and knowledge. It has become one of the most talked topics amid web bloggers, content marketers and SEO strategists in recent time.

Infographics not only catch the eye of your audience, but they could form a very good link building strategy in terms of SEO.

Give me a reason why I should put emphasis on creating infographics?

Infographics are becoming a must have weapon in the armoury of the digital marketing strategist.

No matter how graceful and well worded the content you write, sometimes it can become a little bit wishy-washy. Stats and studies have shown that users don’t find information without graphics or colour on a web page as appealing.

According to Barbara M. Miller and Brook Barnett; “On their own, text and graphics are both useful yet imperfect methods for communication. Written language allows an almost infinite number of word combinations that allow deep analysis of concepts but relies heavily on the reader’s ability to process that information. Graphics may be easier for the reader to understand but are less effective in communication of abstract and complicated concepts. … combining text and graphics allows communicators to take advantage of each medium’s strengths and diminish each medium’s weaknesses.”

Is that not a pretty solid reason why you should put emphasis on infographics? : )

But what does infographic have to do with SEO?

Contrary to what old school SEO “Gurus” say about not adding many images to a web page, infographics can have a positive influence on SEO. Well, to a certain extent, it’s correct that search engines might not be able to read and understand your infographic, but your target audience certainly will.

Link building is one of the most vital factors for SEO strategies. If an infographic is eye catching and resourceful, it will be shared across various platforms by your target audience, which will lead to building your link portfolio.

You’re talking too much, could you please jot it down in points? Yes sure 🙂

  • Link Building: Studies over the years have proved that 60% of people are visual learners. Infographics could be a great tool for grabbing the attention of these web surfers, it will then encourage these people to share your content and therefore credit will be given to you. People sharing your infographic will not only give you a relative link but will generate the web traffic you desire.
  • Easy to share: Infographics are easy to understand, simple to analyse and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. This makes infographics easy to share on social media platforms; such as G+, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and more.
  • Brand Awareness: Web surfers are infographics lovers. All you have to do is create a good, catchy and unique infographic, and it could go viral. To increase your brand awareness you can even embed your company’s logo within the infographic.


To make a long story short; infographics are linkable, a brand booster and shareable which can have a positive influence on your SEO Strategies.

OMW why I haven’t been using infographics? 🙁

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