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Google SEO Ranking Factors

Google SEO Ranking Factors

Google SEO Ranking Factors

Google SEO, the front door to increase traffic flow to your website which in turn increases your lead generation and sales by getting Google page one results.

There are hundreds of Google SEO factors that Google uses to rank pages in the Google search results (SERPs).

Why is Google only mentioned? Well, in a nutshell, Google is the number one search engine today that is responsible for the largest volumes of sales and it does not matter if social networks overtake Google in a visitor capacity, Google will always remain the number one online sales instrument.

Not too long ago Google SEO was really simple. You had to be in the top 10 or rather in the top 3 for relevant keywords. Then the traffic came and with it the leads, sales or whatever you wished. Today there is no real top 10 anymore. Even if you are at #1 in the organic search results, you might be below the “fold” so that users have to scroll to see your site on the Google search results page aka SERP.

What are the Google SEO rules? Here is the speculation – educated guesses by SEO webmasters on top webmaster forums. Should you wish to achieve a high ranking, the various confirmed and suspected Google SEO, here are a few common traits you can focus on.

  • Relying on ranking reports is less and less useful; other metrics and KPIs have to be taken into account, such as traffic, conversions and ROI.
  • Websites have to be more usable and social in nature to stay competitive in SERPs.
  • You have to embrace universal search and add other media types than text.
  • Local SEO is the only SEO many businesses can go after, while for others it’s a new way of getting additional exposure.
  • Like it or not, you have to pay Google “to get your organic ranking back”, whether by ads or shopping search results.
  • You need to offer many ways to reach you, both via Google and social media. Organic results are not enough anymore.
  • You have to step up your SEO efforts or increase your SEO budget. SEO isn’t simple anymore, if it ever was. Now there are so many things to consider that only full time specialists can deal with it correctly.

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