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Challenges in Social Media Marketing

challenges in social media marketing

Threats we are faced with in Social Media Marketing

Like everything that happens on the internet, there are unforeseeable problems that you may run into or fast moving trends that you need to jump at in order to stay competitive in a progressive industry. Every day, as social media marketers, we read about new trends and network apps that are gaining momentum in the industry.

There are new trends or new updates on our trusted social media platforms daily. Along with trends constantly evolving and updating, we are faced with being able to implement them into already existing strategies. This can be difficult, especially when trying to make them actionable.

Poorly designed websites that are not mobile friendly are a factor, because the conversion rate is affected. Bad reviews or commentary from consumers pose a grave threat, therefore customer service and brand management on social media is important.

Our clients’ competitors, in their given industries, is something that is noted, but remember good competition is not a bad thing. Lastly, marketing a brand via social media is slowly becoming about money. Does your business have a budget in place to cater for this?

What are we doing about these threats?

As online brand ambassadors we are mindful of eminent changes; like the rate of organic reach – the amount of consumers who see your content on their feed – that will soon be replaced by paid ads, and we strategically plan our tactics accordingly by incorporating a sense of community with the already existing consumers that engage with businesses online.

Not only do we entice new members into our online communities by giving them content that they want, we know who the target audience is by doing thorough research into our clients’ organizations.

We give the consumers a sense of belonging to something greater, by comprehending the data we gather and look at analytics after every post or interaction we receive on the social media platforms we manage. This enables us to better manage our online regimes for our clients and improve our efficiency when it comes to acting in response to good and bad reviews.

Being proactive, listening and answering back on social media creates a better brand awareness, and the goal is to reach out to your audience instead of waiting for them to come to you.

Sharing tips, special offers and achievements goes a long way, it gives your consumers a place to go to for content they need – this is where the actionable planning strategy comes into play.

Websites that are poorly designed affects the consumers’ ability to go from social media to the website if the website is not mobile friendly.

Challenges in Social Media Marketing

We are conscious of the fact that algorithm changes on social media networks affects brands in a way that they won’t be able to solely push their products or services upon their consumers. Therefore, we are getting our clients into the habit of allocating a budget, big or small, for the paid ads in order to get the right messages across to their audience.

Are you facing challenges in Social Media?

This is where you let Web SEO Online come in to do what we do best! We know the value in each platform, and we know exactly what should be posted to each network. We conduct research on your organization and consult with you about your goals, this will give us a clear view as to where your business belongs and where your target audience lies. The marketing expertise and knowledge we bring to the table is invaluable. Collaborate with us, and take your social media campaign to new heights. If you have further enquiries, send us an email at or learn more about our services here: Social Media Marketing

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